Nearpod: Keep your Resources Near

Image credit: Nearpod Once upon a time, teachers used to have loads of papers with resources for their classes. When they felt busy, they asked their colleagues in their schools for new activities. Their boards were always full of ideas from their school's library...... I think most of you either took part in this story or saw it in reality. I can assume that you are able to complete it with what happened after the spread of mobile learning , am I right?! 😄 As you know, mobile learning or as it's known by m-learning is a learning process across electronic devices especially the mobile ones, such as laptops and the mobile phones. This turning point, in the educational process and in ELT in particular, changes the face of learning. Now, teachers can use e-boards, have e-resources and provide students with code to join an online class through different platforms such as Nearpod . So, if you would like to be updated with new techniques of teaching and preparing for your class an...